Equity team boosted with appointment

Finance Yorkshire has appointed Andy Chaffer to its Equity Linked Finance team.
Andy will operate from Finance Yorkshire’s Barnsley Offices, and will be working primarily with businesses and intermediaries south of the M62.
Andy covered the South Yorkshire patch extensively when he worked for Finance Yorkshire’s predecessor South Yorkshire Investment Fund, and is looking forward to renewing his relationships with South Yorkshire’s professional advisors.
Andy has been working with SMEs for 35 years, beginning with the Yorkshire Bank where he qualified as a Chartered Banker.
He has worked in both the invoice finance and commercial finance sectors and is well known across Yorkshire for his work with UK Steel Enterprise, South Yorkshire Investment Fund and Connect Yorkshire.
Andy said: “I have been tasked with supporting the Equity team to accelerate the amount of money being invested in businesses, particularly across South Yorkshire and North and North East Lincolnshire.
“We will be looking for companies, both established and early stage, which have strong ambitions for growth but need significant amounts of investment to deliver it. This can also include mezzanine finance offering a mixture of both equity and debt loan.”
Andy joins Anne Salisbury, who recently became the Equity team’s Business Development Manager responsible for working with businesses north of the M62 motorway.
Ian Brown, Darren Morris, Nicola Galvin and Andrew Burton all recently joined the Equity Linked team.
Finance Yorkshire provides seedcorn, loan and equity linked investments, ranging from £15,000 to £2m to help a range of small and medium sized businesses to meet their funding requirements for growth and development.
The project is supported financially by the European Union. It has attracted £30million investment from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of Europe’s support for the region’s economic development through the Yorkshire and Humber ERDF Programme, £15million from Yorkshire Forward’s Single Programme, and £45million match funding from the European Investment Bank.
For more information about Finance Yorkshire, please visit www.finance-yorkshire.com or ring 0845 649 0000.
Note: this news article is from Finance Yorkshire’s previous fund. Read more about Finance Yorkshire